Julia Grace Schroeder | Graphic Design + illustration

Olive Grove Studio
Grover Magazine

Creative Genesis

Olive Grove Studio started for me as an online design portfolio. I needed a live site to showcase my work as I dipped my toes into branding and web design. I practise illustration, hand lettering, graphic design, and writing. (And let’s be real, the list grows.) 

I started out in drawing, as most do, and was always interested in handwriting. In grade school, I pushed the limits of the alphabet. It was fun and kept me creative amidst more straight cut classes. This proved beneficial in future for wedding invitations, signs, prints, and the like. I was also into collaging in my early years, something I think everyone should try. (You literally can’t mess it up.)

Later came digital art, where the giant of Adobe Indesign stared me down in my senior year. When I realized that I only needed to know a few tools for what I was desiring to produce, the pressure lifted and I enjoyed it more. Learning the intricacies did become necessary over time, and for that, I am grateful.

Creative Process

I have found healing in the creative process. It is both communion with my Creator, as well as slowing down in personal expression. My art marks my seasons. My risks bleed on paper, screens, books, walls, and skin. Lyrics, stanzas, stories, and spoken words encapsulate so much of my inner world. It comes naturally in some ways, and is courageous work in others.

For me, atmosphere is everything. I often find it easiest to make art in the evenings, sweet music softly playing for drawing (Sleeping At Last or Olafur Arnaulds) or along with a good podcast for mediums like collaging  (Gimlet Media’s Heavyweight or Aaron McManus’ Battle Ready). I have a high value for beauty and story, and that extends to the conditions of my production. 

Although I make a lot of visual art, writing has been my primary outlet. Not in a ‘dear diary’ kind of way, but in dialogue with God, in brain dumps, morning pages, and poetry. I have been honoured to write poetry for Darling Magazine, and other inspiring platforms, but at the end of the day, I write for me. 

Gaining Clients 

If I’m honest, it took me a while to go after creativity as a full time gig even though I was constantly veering back to it year after year. I’ve worked as a director of media, creative strategist, and social media manager, which all have grown me in unique ways. Did I mention I never went to uni?

I eventually resolved to pursue my freelance service with steadier intention. Freelance has gifted me the ability to be present in what I produce, and stay in alignment with how I’m wired. When opportunities come knocking, big or small, I am confident in my craft because I never stopped production. 

A massive part of receiving new projects came because I was not afraid to show my work. I said ‘yes’ a lot, and learned my capacity and focus quickly. When I decided to get serious about what I was producing, I began to price my work accordingly. It’s always a bit ambiguous--putting a price on art-- but it must be done. Remember to value your time and the skills you have fought for.

Creative jobs have come around through friends and connections, some for the mere payment of a coffee, others for a humble fee. Eventually, friends show friends, logos are splattered around, and well, you get the picture. Your work will be seen and valued by the right people. Never despise your small beginnings. 

Today, as I learn new mediums and skills, passion projects and mock branding have been my form of preparation in and out of season. It keeps me looking for new ways to communicate and discover solutions. Create for your ideal client, and they will come. 

Trust that good things are set up for you before you can name them. Trust that you have everything you need to begin. What’s the first step? Also, trust your creative instincts. When clients aren’t sure what they want, or have trouble communicating their vision, don’t be afraid to bring additional ideas and inspiration forward. Be confident in what you’ve learned along the way.

Stay Inspired

I have had the privilege of traveling and living abroad the past 10 years and have met incredible creatives who are producing beautiful, personal work. Whilst dreaming up this platform, Grover Magazine, I began to compile a list of these individuals who have inspired me. I can’t tell you how many new things I have tried—and fizz to try— because of these ones. I hope that by highlighting them here you catch the same fire to grow and try something new. There are no rules— begin. 

The Dream

The dream for Olive Grove Studio is that it would become an actual studio space. A place for creatives to come and work, learn, connect, and grow together. Space for pottery and ceramics, a dark room for film, production space, letterpress, and so much more. Grover Magazine will be a primary part of Olive Grove Studio, featuring the makers and artisans who find themselves at the studio, as well as creatives who inspire us around the globe. 

You can follow my journey here at Grover Magazine, and at Olive Grove Studio.


@olivegrovestudio / olivegrovestudio.com



Calvinna Caswara | Metalsmith


Small Beginnings