Will Kweon | Fashion Design

EMET Foundation

GM: What are your creative expressions?

WK: Graphically through clothing and looking to explore other products that makes sense for this brand. Possibly more blogs to keep a journal of my thoughts.

GM: How did EMET begin?
EMET began by asking the question, why not me? It was more of stepping out to see if I can execute ideas and go through the process of what it's like to start a brand from the ground up. At the time, I felt the freedom to experiment and try new things as I was winding down my daily 9-5 job. I wanted to express what I learned as a believer in Jesus Christ and design out my experiences and truths.

GM: Who is your ideal audience? Who do you hope to inspire and reach?

WK: I would like to say my ideal audience would be everyone but if I were to narrow it down, I consider the youth as the main target. I hope to offer the audience encouragement to help them reflect and question the status quo if they are ever searching for the truth for themselves and also to help them find their purpose and to find the One who deposited those in their hearts before they were even born.


GM: What is your Creative Process?

WK: Most times, I get inspired by experiencing a truth that I learned from the scriptures and actually see it play out in my life and also by nature. Other than that, I usually start with a statement and try to put down on paper the first thing that comes to mind either on paper or digitally.

GM: What have you learned about yourself in the process?

WK: There is more to a business than what I initially thought. You will wear many hats and have to learn and adapt quickly. Your favorite ideas might not always be a hit with the audience, but that is the delicate balance of an artist and if you can do both by staying true to your convictions while resonating with the audience, then you’re golden.

GM: How do you stay Inspired?

WK: Reading the Scriptures. I try not to look at trends as much but try to find something more authentic to myself and beliefs.

GM: Who have you collaborated with?

WK: I collaborated with Gabe Cross on the Rediscovery Program and other talented photographer friends and models to help showcase this brand. Without them I wouldn't have done as much as I could alone. (Kurosu.co)

GM: Do you have a dream collaboration?

WK: Not at the moment!

GM: Any advice for anyone wanting to get into clothing design?

WK: Always refer back to your purpose or mission statement. Sometimes it can be easy to stray away from what made you start from the beginning. Be open to learn all other aspects of your business since it will be more than just designing.

GM: What can we expect to see next from EMET?

WK: In the middle of reorganizing what this brand can offer beyond clothings so stay tuned!

GM: How can we follow what you’re doing?

WK: You can follow me on instagram @emet_fndn and check out the website at emet-fndn.com


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